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Camping without the hassle, just pack your bags and rent our RV (The Avenger 26DBSLE). Our RVs are bright and roomy, with a generous slide out and wood accents throughout the unit. The front bedroom is offset from the rest of the coach with a sliding door for added privacy. Large windows dominate the living and kitchen area, bringing in natural light and providing great views of the campsite. The rear bunk room provides a pair of double bunks with enough room to really stretch out and relax at the end of the day.
We suggest also pack your portable chairs, tables, and outdoor gear to enjoy your stay. Bring you own bed linens (sheets, covers and etc.), bath towels and toiletries. Forgot them? No worries, our linen rental is $50 per set.
We're love our furry friends too but they'll have to stay back home with a sitter. We have a strict no pet policy in our RV trailer rentals.
Before your stay: Please review campsite policies and complete pool & pet waivers.
RV Rental
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